What you Need to Know About Glyphosate in Food

Glyphosate is a term we need to know and understand. So much information out there down plays this element to some degree. But we want you to know just how awful this substance is for you and how you can protect your family.
Whether you’re already eating organic, or are eating mostly organic, you need to be aware of what this chemical is, what food it’s common in, and what our third-party organizations and researchers are saying about this chemical.
What is Glyphosate?
Glyphosate is a weed-killer that was created in the 1970s. It’s the most widely used chemical herbicide in agriculture — and in 1996, GMOs or genetically modified organisms were created as Roundup Ready or herbicide-resistant.

What’s suspicious is that in many European countries, this chemical is banned to some degree. Yet in America, the FDA and USDA allow for "safe" levels of glyphosate.
Thankfully, institutions like the EWG and Detox Project have tested common household foods and report how much of the toxin is present. When a weed killer that can cause cancer is showing up in your kid’s cereal, there’s something to be concerned about.
Why is Glyphosate so popular?
Glyphosate is a widely used herbicide because it’s a chelating agent (binds tightly to metal ions) and can stop weeds in their tracks. But with that, it’s also preventing the plants from absorbing the good nutrients. Glyphosate can also —
- Kill bacteria. Great for growing food but not so great to absorb in your body on a regular basis.
- Disrupt hormones. Scientific evidence shows that it’s associated with kidney, liver, and reproductive disease.
When you start to dig into the link between glyphosate and cancer, you’ll see that the WHO (World Health Organization) labeled it a “probable human carcinogen” because there’s evidence that it causes non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and lung cancer as well as cause DNA and chromosomal damage.

In 2020, a federal judge blocked the state of California from requiring companies to label products that contain glyphosate with a warning that it may cause cancer. With every controversy surrounding this chemical, it’s entirely a mystery why our government is not banning this substance.
Glyphosate in Food Supply
So how are we to know which foods come into contact with glyphosate? And how can we protect ourselves and our families, particularly our children?

Thankfully, the Detox Project ran studies in 2016 which show the levels in many of our common foods in the grocery store. You can see the full report and understand how widespread this issue is.
You can also check out this study done by the Environmental Working Group (EWG).
Some of the most significant offenders for glyphosate levels are conventionally grown oats, wheat, corn and soy, and cereals. When you think of all the grain, oatmeal, breakfast bars, and snacks people consume with this carcinogen, we can see why our country is dealing with so many health issues. The big brands have gone defensive, saying that the levels in these products are within limits with the Environmental Protection Agency.
But just because exposure to glyphosate is legal does not mean that it’s safe.
Making a Stand Against Glyphosate
One way to protect your family and help to protect others is to eat organic as much as possible. Water cannot wash away glyphosate residues, so it’s imperative not to eat foods grown in these conditions. A recent study found that eating organic does lower cancer risk.

You can also support the EWG, MADE SAFE, and other organizations removing the veil on toxic chemicals and glyphosate in foods. If you’re interested in finding out more details, we recommend Toxic Legacy by Stephanie Seneff.
We hope that this information helps you give your family the best chance at living well!
- Tags: Holistic Living