Holistic Living

by Freegirl Skincare

What you Need to Know About Glyphosate in Food

Glyphosate is a widely used herbicide because it’s a chelating agent (binds tightly to metal ions) and can stop weeds in their tracks. But with that, it’s also preventing the plants from absorbing the good nutrients. 

Great Alternatives to Mammograms - Thermography, Ultrasounds, and More

Mammograms are big business. Forty-eight million yearly in the USA! But did you know that there’s a higher risk for developing future breast cancer for some?

Bentonite Clay for Skin and Wellness

When used regularly, you’ll find that your skin is clearer and you have less dirt and bacteria which means fewer large pores or acne flares! One compound in Bentonite Clay is silica, which helps our skin build tissue, carry oxygen, and ultimately feel more silky. All of these things will contribute to a healthy anti-aging regimen!

Immunity Boosting Foods and Signs of a Strong Immune System

Be sure you have immunity boosting foods in your diet to build a strong defense for health and wellness, including skin health.

Stress Management Activities for Health and Happiness

How we respond and how we use stress management activities will either help us or lead us down a road to anxiety. Whether you’re dealing with stress at work, at home, or internally, know that you’re not alone and that there are healthy ways to help manage and cope with the thoughts and feelings you’re experiencing.

Clean Beauty Product Verification + Why We Love MADE SAFEⓇ

You know that many toxins and chemicals are sneaking their way into our American products and store shelves. We want you to be confident in what you’re putting in and on your body! Here are our favorite clean beauty product verifications and why we chose MADE SAFE® to represent us.

Why is Sleep Important? 7 Easy Steps to take for Your Skin, Health, and Happiness!

We know that sleep is good for us — but getting to bed and sleeping well can be difficult throughout our lives! From what and when you eat to your screen habits, your daily routines hold power over your sleep quality. We want to help you find simple ways to streamline your practices and prepare your body for ultimate rest and wellness!

Finding Better Skin With A Sugar Detox Diet

A sugar detox may not be easy, but it’s so worth it for the long and short-term benefits. From improved skin to lasting energy, you will feel and see a difference!

How to Heal Your Gut Health & 3 Skin Benefits!

When you’re considering how to heal your gut and implementing some of these changes, remember — any steps you take toward a healthier life can help you long term. Be sure to make each change a permanent one by taking small, sustainable changes — for life and wellness!