Holistic Living

by Freegirl Skincare

Which Serum Is Right For You?

Each serum is a lightweight solution solely responsible to provide highly concentrated ingredients for specific skin issues. See which one (or more!) would work for you.

I Struggled With Acne Prone Skin, This Is How I Got My Face Back

The following is a guest post by Sam H. My whole life I have searched for ways to deal with acne, redness, and scarring. I’ve struggled with how to get rid of my acne-prone skin with no...

How To Strengthen Your Heart and Risk Signs to Know

Knowing how to strengthen your heart is incredibly important! We want you to learn ways to prevent heart disease so that you can continue making tremendous strides in your communities and be there for your family and friends.

My No Gym Needed Workout Routine

As you create your new no gym workout routine, we hope that this guide helps you kickstart a sustainable lifestyle without getting bored or having a rigorous membership to keep up with!

Jamie's Cozy Healthy Holiday Survival List

Staying healthy and on track during the holidays isn’t as hard as it may seem. Just put some of these ideas into practice, and you’ll find your holiday survival is more fun and less stressful. 

10 Keys to Beautiful Skin

When you want beautiful skin but have a few issues that need to be addressed, the options may seem endless. Here are 10 keys to beautiful skin that you can implement today!

Immunity Boosting Foods and Signs of a Strong Immune System

Be sure you have immunity boosting foods in your diet to build a strong defense for health and wellness, including skin health.

Stress Management Activities for Health and Happiness

How we respond and how we use stress management activities will either help us or lead us down a road to anxiety. Whether you’re dealing with stress at work, at home, or internally, know that you’re not alone and that there are healthy ways to help manage and cope with the thoughts and feelings you’re experiencing.

20 Natural Remedies for Acne that Work!

Whether you’re going through puberty or are struggling with cystic spots as an adult, there are some tried and true natural remedies for acne that can help alleviate some of the symptoms or clear up your skin altogether.